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  • Exclusively designed to give our youth (grades 4-8) a safe space to challenge & express themselves

  • Experience different styles of dance to inspire self-expression (ie. hip hop, jazz, modern, rhythm-based movement and more)

  • Choreograph and collaborate with peers, and co-produce a dance showcase they can be proud of at the end of the program

  • Cultivate self-love, self-confidence, ambition and teamwork through facilitated discussions


Our Philosophy


  • Have courage to be YOU

  • Dance like nobody is watching

  • Embrace your body and what you can do

  • Be proud of who you are and who you are becoming


  • Set big goals, take small steps

  • Make progress, not perfection

  • Take risks and try something new

  • Get up when you fall


  • Connect and build trust

  • Create a safe space to give and receive feedback

  • Lift others up when they’re down

  • Achieve something bigger together


2024 Fall Programs
- Registration coming soon! -

We’re super excited to introduce a new program coming this Fall ‘2024! We’re adding a new Leadership through Dance™ program to Redeemer Lutheran School in Redwood City, which will also be open to our existing students who currently take Zumba Kids at our programs at Clifford Elementary and North Star Academy. I’m excited to bring communities across Redwood City together, and grateful for the opportunity to use the beautiful space at Redeemer.

Regardless of which location or school, our Leadership through Dance™ programs aim to inspire our students through exposure to different styles of dance, and teach leadership and teamwork skills, while working together as a Dance Team to co-create a full dance showcase to be performed for our family and friends. Capacity will be limited, so sign-up early once registration opens! Registration Information coming soon.

CONTACT US if you want to be included when we notify families that registration is open!


Tuesdays 3:15pm-5:30pm

For 4th-8th Graders

Dates: Aug 27 - Dec 17, 2024 (no class 11/26)
Tech & Performance: Sunday, Dec 15, 2024
15 weeks

Current 4th-8th Graders Students from our Zumba Kids programs at North Star Academy & Clifford Elementary will be eligible to join our program at Redeemer!

North Star Academy
Wednesdays 3:00pm-5:30pm

For 4th-8th Graders

Dates: Aug 21 - Dec 18, 2024 (no class 10/2 and 11/27)
Tech & Performance: Sunday, Dec 15, 2024
15 weeks

FAQ: Onsite Program Details

Roy Cloud Elementary
Thursdays 1:15pm-3:45pm

For 4th-8th Graders

Dates: Aug 22 - Dec 19, 2024 (no class 11/28)
Tech & Performance: Sunday, Dec 15, 2024
17 weeks

FAQ: Onsite Program Details


My daughter has done dance performances in the past and never has the experience been this positive. Typically performances are full of nerves and anxiety, fear of judgment, and fear of making a mistake. There was none of this for her. She was confident, enthusiastic and playful from start to finish.
— Jennifer N. (Mom of 6th Grader)


General Class Structure:

While this program is focused on developing Leadership skills, all students will be moving and dancing in this class, with breaks, discussions, and team activities in between. This will be an active program meant to engage your child physically and mentally!

Part 1 = Dance!
The first part of the class will include a warm-up, a focus on specific dance techniques from different styles of dance, and an instructor-led dance piece.

Part 2 = Topic of the Day
While the kids take a break from dancing, they will be actively engaged in activities around a topic for the day that is meant to help them with their team project.

Part 3 = Teamwork!
Small teams will then be formed, allowing the kids to get creative with a smaller group to create their own dance choreography.

Part 4 = Reflect and Close
With the challenges they will face working together, comes valuable lessons that can be applied to their day-to-day lives. We’ll reflect on learnings and celebrate the progress made as we close the day.

Offline Homework/Activities
Students may need time outside of class to choreograph on their own or with their teams, although we do our best to give the students time during our program. We will teach them strategies to do this even if they don't have dance experience.


Virtual Program/Performance Details:
Specifically for our virtual programs, we may challenge the students to record themselves dancing in their own environments for our virtual performances. The class will be recorded and our program will conclude with a final private video-based virtual viewing party for parents. The final video will remain private but shared with the parents.

Learn more:

Frequently Asked Questions by Program: Virtual Programs | Onsite Programs

My daughter really hears your message. She recently came home with a conflict and said, “We’re supposed to be lifting each other up when others are down!” These girls really need your program. Please keep doing what you’re doing.
— Mom of 4th Grader
I hope you know what you created has cultivated a beautiful healthy space in the lives of youth, where they feel challenged and safe to be themselves where they are.
— Mom of 8th Grader